Ocean Outcomes’ Mission: 

To advance economic, social, and environmental fishery sustainability.

Grant Project Goal(s):

To integrate ghost gear solutions with growing fishery improvement efforts with a management pilot with the Fujian Zhangzhou Red Swimming Crab Fishery.

Immediate Objective(s):

To 1) demonstrate the practical application of ghost gear assessment criteria being developed from the Global Ghost Gear Initiative’s (GGGI) Best Practice’s Framework for the Management of Fishing Gear, and show they can be used as an integral part of fishery pre-assessments to support FIP design or fishery certification processes; and 2) implement fleet-wide measures for the Fujian Zhangzhou Red Swimming Crab Fishery to minimize loss of crab gear and mitigate impacts of ghost gear through a management plan that guides and evaluates performance.

Key Learnings:

Learn more at Ocean Outcomes


The Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life at the New England Aquarium