Fathom Consulting Pelagic Trawl Gear Improvement

Fathom Consulting’s Mission: 

To provide trusted, independent research and consultancy for clients in corporate and financial institutions, policy groups, and government.

Grant Project Goal(s):

To help trawl fishermen strategize ways to minimize bycatch and damage to sensitive bottom habitat, serving as a model for more environmentally responsible trawl gear worldwide.


Trawling has historically been the most common fishing method employed in U.S. groundfish fisheries. Unfortunately, there are some serious environmental drawbacks to trawling: bycatch and habitat damage.

Immediate Objective(s):

To conduct trials with modified trawl gear that significantly reduces the points of contact of traditional trawl gear through the use of pelagic trawl doors, elevated sweeps, spaced discs and electronic sensors

Key Learnings:

Learn more at Fathom Consulting Pelagic Trawl Gear Improvement


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